Anxiety isn’t caused from just one single thing. The causes of anxiety are often a combination of different areas of your life that are getting on top of you and creating stress. Unmanaged stress can cause anxiety If you are experiencing more stress than usual in your daily life and it continues untreated it will lead to anxiety that is hard to shake off. Allowing stress to build and build without addressing the source makes us feel overwhelmed and unable to cope well with our day to day activities. This further compounds and we lose trust in our ability to cope. The less we trust ourselves, the more anxiety builds and before we know it we are on a merry-go-round, responding to all aspects of our life with an anxious approach. Our bodies have ways of communicating with us to let us know that we may be too stressed and out of balance, which essentially means our input is too small and our output is too much. Causes of anxiety are often related to extending ourselves too...